Delivery time is calculated = handling time + transit time.
1. Handling time:
2. Transit time and cost:
Each Pagemira vendor has at least 1 of the 3 shipping types listed below and may have additional shipping options that are faster or cheaper than the shipping types listed below.
Type | Standard Shipping | Premium Delivery | Express Delivery |
Transit time | 10-15 days | 6-10 days | 3-5 days |
Shipping cost | 4.99 USD | 6.99 USD | 10.99 USD |
You will receive a confirmation email with a tracking link so that you can follow your order all the way home! Please allow 5–7 days for the carrier to scan your package into their system.
If you attempt to track your package and there is no information available, that just means the carrier has not processed your parcel yet. When the parcel is scanned into the system, tracking events will populate on the tracking page.
If it is over your estimated arrival date, please contact our support team for further assistance.
After your payment has been posted, your order will go into a waiting queue for 6 hours before being sent to a fulfiller. During these 6 hours, you can change the order details (color, quantity) or cancel the order.
Fulfillers ship only to single-destination shipping. If you wish to ship to multiple locations, please order separately with separate addresses.
*Only available for POX boxes or military APO/FPO within the US.
Delivery time is calculated = handling time + transit time.
1. Handling time:
2. Transit time and cost:
Each Pagemira vendor has at least 1 of the 3 shipping types listed below and may have additional shipping options that are faster or cheaper than the shipping types listed below.
Type | |
Standard Shipping | |
Transit time | 10-15 days |
Shipping cost | 4.99 USD |
Premium Delivery | |
Transit time | 6-10 days |
Shipping cost | 6.99 USD |
Express Delivery | |
Transit time | 3-5 days |
Shipping cost | 10.99 USD |
You will receive a confirmation email with a tracking link so that you can follow your order all the way home! Please allow 5–7 days for the carrier to scan your package into their system.
If you attempt to track your package and there is no information available, that just means the carrier has not processed your parcel yet. When the parcel is scanned into the system, tracking events will populate on the tracking page.
If it is over your estimated arrival date, please contact our support team for further assistance.
After your payment has been posted, your order will go into a waiting queue for 6 hours before being sent to a fulfiller. During these 6 hours, you can change the order details (color, quantity) or cancel the order.
Fulfillers ship only to single-destination shipping. If you wish to ship to multiple locations, please order separately with separate addresses.
*Only available for POX boxes or military APO/FPO within the US.
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